Compiling Regexes
I decided to implement a regex->asm compiler for practicing at emitting assembly code and writing compilers. At first I thought I would create an NFA graph and optimize it and transform it into a DFA before emitting assembly code where each DFA state would have its own label and code. Some friends pointed me towards this site though: Regular Expression Matching: the Virtual Machine Approach which covers a much more direct way to compile regexes not involving any graphs!
Here is the full implementation of the compiler
``` module Regex where
import Control.Monad.Trans import Control.Monad.Writer import Data.Monoid
import Fresh import X86
data Regex = Char Char | Regex :^ Regex | Regex :| Regex | Star Regex
data Bytecode = CHAR Char | LABEL Label | SPLIT Label Label | JUMP Label
compile :: Regex -> WriterT [Bytecode] (Fresh Label) () compile (Char c) = tell [CHAR c] compile (r1 :^ r2) = do compile r1 ; compile r2 compile (r1 :| r2) = do l1 <- lift $ fresh ; l2 <- lift $ fresh ; l3 <- lift $ fresh tell [SPLIT l1 l2] tell [LABEL l1] ; compile r1 ; tell [JUMP l3] tell [LABEL l2] ; compile r2 tell [LABEL l3] compile (Star r) = do l1 <- lift $ fresh ; l2 <- lift $ fresh ; l3 <- lift $ fresh tell [LABEL l1, SPLIT l2 l3] tell [LABEL l2] ; compile r ; tell [JUMP l1] tell [LABEL l3]
– rax is the buffer pointer – rbx is the end elab :: Bytecode -> [X86] elab (CHAR c) = [ Cmp Nothing (R RAX) (R RBX) , Jge “.fail” , Cmp (Just Byte) (DR RAX) (C c) , Jne “.fail” , Inc (R RAX) ] elab (LABEL l1) = [Label l1] elab (SPLIT l1 l2) = [ Push (R RAX) , Push (V l2) , Jmp l1 ] elab (JUMP l1) = [Jmp l1]
runCompile regexp = (snd $ runFresh (runWriterT $ compile regexp) labels) »= (s . elab) where labels = map ((“.l”++).show) [0..] ```
This takes a regular expression and translates it into the bytecode instructions that the page described. Then I do a little post processing to turn that into assembly code. This creates a bit of code that I can paste into my regex.asm file to get a program that acts like “grep” but for a single regex.
Matching regexes is done by the x86 code by moving a pointer through a buffer as it checks each character. The way that I implement SPLIT is to push the second address and pointer into the string onto the stack. If a character match fails it will check the stack to see if it can backtrack to parse the string in a different way.
Here’s an example of compiling a regex with this:
*Regex> putStr . runCompile $ (Char 'm' :^ (Star (Char 'o') :| (Char 'u' :^ Char '!')))
cmp rax,rbx
jge .fail
cmp byte [rax],'m'
jne .fail
inc rax
push rax
push .l1
jmp .l0
push rax
push .l5
jmp .l4
cmp rax,rbx
jge .fail
cmp byte [rax],'o'
jne .fail
inc rax
jmp .l3
jmp .l2
cmp rax,rbx
jge .fail
cmp byte [rax],'u'
jne .fail
inc rax
cmp rax,rbx
jge .fail
cmp byte [rax],'!'
jne .fail
inc rax
And the host file or “runtime” that enables this to run: